
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart” - Elizabeth Andrews.
“The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers” - Everett Mamor.
Motutapu Restoration Project depends on volunteers. Without them nothing would happen. Some come out to the island every week, some from time to time and others once a year or two. Some come as corporate groups, some as friends and others as individuals. Some are young while others are older.
Some of the wonderful volunteers are young & some are older
The time given up by each volunteer to work on Motutapu, no matter how often or seldom, is highly valued by the Trust.
“Individually we are a drop. Together we are an ocean” - Ryunosake Satora.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” - Helen Keller.
The success of the Trust’s work over the last 30 years is due to the thousands of volunteers who have participated one way or another. From whacking weeds to collecting, cleaning and sowing native seeds to carefully potting up tiny seedlings; from writing up meeting minutes, to balancing accounts; from applying for funding to writing reports, the list is endless. Everything on the long inventory of tasks undertaken contributes towards the habitat restoration. Every individual matters.
Conservation relies on the generous work of volunteers. On private or public land, throughout the country, thousands of volunteers give their time, energy and knowledge to contribute to restoring New Zealand’s special native habitats.
“Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference” - Jane Goodall.
The Motutapu Restoration Trust is truly grateful to everyone who volunteers in some way or other, to progress the restoration project on Motutapu.